Comment bien choisir ses panneaux de noms de rues?
D’un point de vue historique, un panneau nom de rue relate l'histoire d'une municipalité ainsi que les personnalités qui l'ont façonnée. Le remplacement des noms de rues peut s’avérer une excellente occasion d’ajouter une touche de personnalisation à sa municipalité....
Laval makes its snow removal operations more efficient with Dynamik
Snow removal operations are very costly for municipalities: the purchase of abrasive, field coordination, vehicle maintenance and upkeep, etc. Last winter, Kalitec’s team accompanied the City of Laval in a pilot project of intelligent parking lights in the Ampère sector.
The Kalitec Police Cutout: Helping Make Streets Safer in Mirabel, Quebec
In response to ongoing speeding problems on community streets, the Town of Mirabel decided to try something new: the Kalitec police cutout.
5 Tips for Getting the Most Out of Your Solar-Powered Equipment
Winter can be brutal on battery life, sometimes slashing capacity by as much as half.
Federation of Canadian Municipalities Show
Kalitec attended the Federation of Canadian Municipalities on May 30th to June 2nd, in Quebec city.
Street Name Signs in Sainte-Marie
To celebrate its 275th anniversary, the City of Sainte-Marie, Quebec revitalized its street name signs.
Gala of the Fleurons du Québec
Kalitec attended the Gala des Fleurons du Québec on November 21st at Drummondville’s Best Western.
Tay Township offers town new signage
When you want to pair heritage pride and signage, you can count on the Heritage cabinet signs! Thanks to the Tay Township for providing these beautiful street sign to its 10,000 citizens!
Nos silhouettes s’installent à Saint-Constant
Des panneaux de sécurité pour le moins particuliers sont utilisés pour faire ralentir les automobilistes à St-Constant, en Montérégie.