Imagine driving through your neighbourhood only to see a crucial sign obscured by a mess of spray paint. While graffiti often appears as an unwelcome eyesore, it also masks essential information and is considered vandalism under the Canadian Criminal Code. So, if you’re facing the frustrating challenge of how to remove graffiti from signs, this guide will help you take action to restore signs to their original state.

1. Assessing the Damage

Effective graffiti removal starts with identifying your sign’s material—metal, plastic, or glass—since each requires a unique approach. Next, you need to determine the type of graffiti, whether it’s spray paint, magic marker, or stickers. Once you’ve pinpointed the culprit, you need to act quickly! The longer graffiti stays, the tougher it becomes to remove.

2. Gathering the Necessary Supplies

After your assessment, gather your basic cleaning supplies, such as detergents, water, and water scrub brushes, as your starting point.

For more stubborn stains, you’ll need to invest in specialty products like graffiti removers and solvents like paint thinner. When working with harsh chemical products, always prioritize your safety. Wear protective gear like rubber gloves, masks, and safety glasses.

Kalitec’s Print Armor™ technology covers pedestrian signs with a durable satin thermoplastic layer that protects against graffiti. This long-lasting coating can be easily cleaned with a cloth and isopropyl alcohol.

3. Methods for Removing Graffiti

For mild graffiti, start with soap and warm water. Wet the area and use a scrub brush or damp cloth to gently clean the surface without damaging it. If this doesn’t work, use an appropriate solvent-based graffiti cleaner. Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines and wear protective gear in a well-ventilated area.

For stubborn graffiti, try pressure washing. Use a suitable nozzle and moderate pressure washer to avoid further damage to the underlying surface. Consider sandblasting for extremely tough graffiti on durable surfaces like metal or concrete, but leave this to professionals due to the skill required.

4. Preventive Measures

Use anti-graffiti coatings, such as sacrificial types that sacrifice a layer for easy removal or non-sacrificial coatings for lasting protection, to streamline cleanup efforts.

Even if you’ve applied a protective anti-graffiti coating to welcome signs, street name signs, or interpretative signs, regular maintenance and checks are essential to address graffiti before it escalates quickly.

Another effective method of how to remove graffiti from road signs and other types of signs is to encourage residents and businesses to participate in keeping the area graffiti-free, which promotes a cleaner, more welcoming environment.

5. Professional Help

Expert intervention is essential for signage with severe damage or requiring specialized graffiti removal products. When selecting a service, look for companies with good reviews and expertise in graffiti removal.

Removing graffiti from signs is a proactive process that involves quick action and effective methods. By assessing the damage, gathering the necessary tools, and applying the appropriate removal techniques, you can restore your signs to their original condition.

With over 30 years of experience, Kalitec has been a leader in the smart signage market. We’ve successfully designed smart signage from conception to installation to make our roads and neighbourhoods safer. Whether you need protective signage coatings or custom-made street signs, contact us today and let us bring your project to life.