911 Civic Address

To be prepared for emergency situations
In the event of an emergency, it is essential for homes with entrances away from the road to be easily found by first responders to avoid delays that could be critical.
To find out all about 911 civic adress
A solution for emergency situations
Kalitec civic address signs reinforces safety in your municipality by allowing emergency vehicles to quickly locate the address of homes with entrances away from the road. In addition to Kalitec civic address signs, our company also specializes in custom outdoor signage that not only enhances the aesthetics of your municipality but also serves as a distinctive marker for businesses and landmarks.

The posts are protected from corrosion. The performance model provides increased durability.
The integration of the colors and logo of your municipality makes it possible to determine the limits of your territory.
Constant visibility
The reflectivity of the digits provides visibility day or night.
Different models available to suit your needs!
Performance model
Our performance model is a flagship product thanks to its design, durability and high-end materials, making it the best on the market.
- Panel painted in polyester powder composed of two aluminum plates welded by points and fixed on the post with rivets designed by a goldsmith.
- Laser cut 3M prismatic high-intensity grade vinyl numbers.
- 1500 mm (5 ft) square post made of aluminum and painted in polyester powder.
- Easy planting with separate anchoring ensuring a constant height of the bollards.
- Possibility of enlarging the surface of the panel if necessary.

Utility model
Our entry-level utility model makes it possible to meet strict address identification needs.
- Double-sided aluminum panel bolted to the post.
- Engineer grade vinyl available in four color choices: blue, burgundy, green or white.
- 2100 mm (7 ft) galvanized steel post.
- Easy planting with post driven directly into the ground.
- Possibility of doubling the signs to indicate an additional address, a direction arrow or a group of addresses.

Additionally, we also offer civic number options for enhanced address identification. Our Civic Number solutions are meticulously designed to ensure clear visibility and legibility, helping to streamline navigation and improve the overall visibility of your property.