Kid Slow Down Sign – Kalitec Cutout

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Home 5 Product 5 Kid Slow Down Sign – Kalitec Cutout

Protect our children on the road

Children are particularly vulnerable as pedestrians because crossing the street involves complex processes and behaviors that children have not yet fully assimilated.

Source : SAAQ

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A strong message to raise awareness

The Kalitec cutout displays the image of a life size child as well as an awareness message to encourage motorists to slow down in areas most frequented by children.



A proven educational tool appreciated by citizens.


Draws attention from afar to induce slowing down speed as soon as visible.


Manufactured with quality materials to maximize lifespan.

Different models available to suit your needs!

  • Installed in the center of the road.
  • Creates a narrowing corridor that encourages motorists to slow down even more.
  • Mounted on a 180° flexible Steel-FlexTM base that recovers immediately after an impact.
  • Installed on the roadside.
  • Made with aluminum panels that are coated with Print ArmorTM anti-graffiti protection.
  • Mounted on two aluminum poles that can be installed in any type of terrain.
silhouettes s11 - Kalitec inc.

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