Breakaway Posts & Hardware

Breakaway Posts & Hardware

Breakaway Posts & Hardware Home 5 Product Looking for a safe and durable solution for your road signage needs? Look no further than Kalitec’s Breakaway post. Our unique hardware pieces are designed to provide superior quality, durability, and safety for your...
Custom Outdoor Signage

Custom Outdoor Signage

Custom Outdoor Signage Home 5 Product Are you looking to promote road safety, attract customers to your business or convey any message to drivers or pedestrians using a vehicle? In that case, custom outdoor signage might be the ideal solution for you. If...
Smart Traffic Light

Smart Traffic Light

Smart Traffic Light Experience the transformative power of Connectivity technology with Kalitec’s innovative smart traffic light solutions. Experience the future of urban mobility with Kalitec’s innovative smart traffic light solutions. Our...
Smart Traffic Light

EarlTM: Educational Awareness Reward Light

EarlTM: Educational Awareness Reward Light Your 24/7 traffic officer Reduce speeding by adopting EarlTM! EarlTM monitors the speed limit. It displays red “at rest” and then rewards drivers for respecting the limit with a green light. Documentation to...